
(itemelite) #1


Sending more email means making more money – right?

The old school of thought was that your email list should be treated like a hotel.
Every day that goes by that you don’t send an email, is wasted revenue.

Email frequency used to be treated like an opportunity that you can’t get back –
getting into your subscriber’s inbox.

Now though, there’s a much better way of managing your list that doesn’t
alienate your folks, and keeps your engagement and click rates steadily high.

Mailchimp did a study a few years ago, correlating frequency of emails and
click rates. It turns out that the majority of folks in the study had diminishing
click rates the more frequently they mailed.

Meaning, even though they were mailing more often, in some cases they were
actually getting fewer overall clicks!

And really, you wouldn’t believe how many product owners and email list
owners I talk to who don’t do any kind of list management whatsoever.

They have a big list, and they mail that big list!

They don’t have any idea what their list is into or what they want more of. All
they know is that at some point in the past, these subscribers opted in for
something and they are just going to keep mailing.

When it comes to managing your lists, there are definite best practices that you
should put in place, and it’s important to understand that each list is different.

Things may work well for your list that don’t work for others. In turn, you
might hear people tell you what you need to do, and it might backfire.

So, know that you need to test this stuff out religiously and understand that your
list might be a little different than everyone else’s!

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