
(itemelite) #1

that you don’t send to your buyers and vice-versa.

So, at minimum, you should have a buyers list and prospects list.

Now, let’s break them down even more.

Keeping Affiliates and JVs Separate

Affiliates and JVs are your marketing partners – they help you reach the corners
of the Internet while making a percentage of the products and services sold.

For this reason, you should keep your affiliates on a separate list, making sure to
only mail to them when you have something for them! Think affiliate contests,
new products, launches, or you’re moving in a new direction.

The ONLY market where your affiliate list might be your prospect list is in the
Internet marketing space. You want your affiliates to be well-trained so that they
can help you promote better, so it would be advantageous to do some training or
link to good marketing products.

I know quite a few product owners in different niches who have entire courses
that they give away for free to their affiliates, all in hopes of making them better

List Interests

Let’s face it, not every person on your list is interested in the same thing. In the
Internet marketing space, some folks are interested in free traffic. Others in paid
traffic. Still others in list building or product development.

The more control you have over what your list is interested in, the better you can
market to them.

There are quite a few ways that you can figure this out...

  • Surveying your list

  • Monitoring email link clickthroughs and assigning them to a tag

  • Putting a dropdown list on the opt-in form

  • Tracking what pages someone visits and putting them in different tags

There are lots of ways to get this data. I like easier things than just surveying
the list.

If I mail my list of 40,000 business owners, with some clicking through and then
some filling out the survey, I have a very poor picture of what my list is into,
simply because there isn’t enough data!

If, however, I track who opened an email based on the subject line, I’ll have a

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