
(itemelite) #1

Additional List Management Tips

Here are some additional list management tips that have worked for me.

Email Your List Often

The first time I heard this, I almost laughed. If I email my list everyday, people
will unsubscribe! They’ll report my emails as spam. I worked so hard to get
them on – I don’t want to piss them off!

What I can tell you is that the people who unsubscribe would have done so
anyway, sooner or later. There’s no way you can continue to give away content
week after week without asking them to take action in some way. Maybe that’s
through an affiliate link or by selling your own products.

The point is, you’re in business to make money, right? That’s what keeps the
lights on and a roof over your head. Your true prospects, friends, and customers
will understand that.

Make Use Of Actions And Rules

In some of the more sophisticated email marketing platforms, like Ontraport
and Infusionsoft, you can do lots of complex segmentation.

Things like:

  • If someone goes to this page, add them to this list

  • If someone clicks this link, remove them from List 1 and put them on
    List 2

  • If someone chooses this field in this form, add them to this sequence

  • If a customer buys X product, put them in the sequence that promotes Y

The term ‘behavioral segmentation’ seems to be the newest phrase in Internet
marketing, and the examples above are what’s fueling that revolution.

My point is, the better you understand what your list is doing and what they’re
into, the fewer emails you can send and the greater your engagement will be!

Keep Things Current

If you don’t plan on writing to your list every day or every couple days, set up
an autoresponder series that does it for you. That’s why we built Scriptly, to
make autoresponders easy.

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