
(itemelite) #1

Here is the industry average ROI per $1 spent on various methods:

Email - $40
Catalogs - $7.30
SEO - $22.24
Internet display - $19.72
Mobile - $10.51
Keyword ads - $17
Banner ads - $2

Here are the steps to follow.

Start with one great piece of content. Figure out something that would really
resonate with your audience and write a blog post about it. The idea is to
establish you as a thought leader in your niche, someone people should pay
attention to.

Two types of posts that are well-suited for this purpose are

  • Detailed list-based posts

  • Definitive guide to some topic

A good place to search for ideas is forums. Look for questions people ask over
and over. A post answering these questions in detail would be a good way to
attract an audience.

Another place to search is your competitors' websites and blogs. What topics are
they writing about? If their site allows comments, which articles are getting lots
of comments?

A third place to look for ideas is Reddit, which allows its users to vote on posts.
The more votes a post gets, the more popular it is. Look at popular posts for
ideas on what to write about.

Once you have a great idea, spend some time writing your great post. Several
hours, at least. This is not the type of post to crank out in a few minutes.

Put some effort into the design of your post. Add graphics to make it more
understandable and attractive. Use formatting like bold and italics where
appropriate. Include subheadings to break your text into shorter chunks.

Important: Don't publish this post yet.

The second major step of this process is to create a lead magnet which takes
your new post and expands on it or is otherwise very relevant to the post. The
idea is to get your readers so excited when they read the post that they want the
lead magnet, too.

Create a separate opt-in page on your blog for this new lead magnet.

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