
(itemelite) #1

Create a box offering the lead magnet and place it inside the article, once near
the top and again near the bottom. This can be as simple as a sentence or two
describing the lead magnet and linking to the opt-in page for it. Use a different
background color for the box, like light blue or yellow, so it stands out.

Now it's time to publish the new post.

The next step is to get traffic to the post, so you can get some subscribers from

Here are a few free traffic sources:

  • Forums: Find some good ones in your niche, make useful posts, then (if
    allowed) include a link to your blog post in some of your forum posts.
    Some forums won't allow that but will allow a link in your signature.

  • Reddit and similar sites: Write a detailed summary of your blog post,
    including a link to it, and post on the site.

  • Guest posting: Write guest posts for other blogs and include a link to
    the opt-in page you created for your special blog post. Be sure that's
    allowed before you submit the guest post.

  • Facebook, Twitter, and other social media: If you have any following
    on these sites, post a brief summary of your special blog post, including
    a link to it.

The next major step is to have a plan for emailing your new subscribers. Too
many site owners do the work of getting signups, then waste them by not
emailing their list.

Write a welcome email that all new subscribers receive right away and a few
other followup messages to be sent out every few days. You can include quality
content, surveys, and links to some of your other blog posts in these messages.

You can use Scriptly to help you with some of these messages:

The main idea is to get your new subscribers used to hearing from you so they
don't forget who you are.

Be sure to keep building your list by writing more quality posts and getting more
traffic to them.

How to Use the Word “Free” Without Losing Credibility

Marketers use the word “free” so often that it has nearly lost its power. Free is a
word that has enormous psychological appeal. But when it’s overused or used
incorrectly, it can ruin your marketing efforts. Here’s how to use the word free
for conversion power, marketing advantage, and increased revenue.

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