
(itemelite) #1


By sticking with a simple, one-column design, your HTML emails will be more
readable on more devices and much less work for you to produce. Once you find
a design you like, use it consistently. One of the purposes of elements like
graphic headers is for branding, which works better if you keep it consistent.

Other Factors in Emails

Make sure the calls to action in your emails are visible and obvious. Use white
space around them so they stand out. Too many companies use complex
graphics with clickable parts that are not at all obvious that you're supposed to
click on them. That's a great way to not get clicks.

If you use a clickable image like a button in your email, also include the same
link in text format for people who have images turned off.

Ways to Boost Your Conversions

Do you struggle with writing features and benefits? Things that are really telling
about what you’re offering or what you want someone to opt-in for?
Here are some thoughts on that:

  1. Make Your Sales Pages Easy to Navigate

Some tips:

  • Get rid of excess categories, useless labels, and multiple tabs.

  • Have a clear call to action and make it easy to find. (Hint: if you have
    order buttons or links in the middle of the page, be sure to put one at
    the bottom, because that's where many users will go to find them.)

  • Use bulleted lists for your benefits. (Like this one.)

  1. Make Your Calls to Action Compelling

Remember that it's your words that get people to click your order button, not
your fancy page design.

Don't be afraid to tell people exactly what you want them to do, using a strong
call to action. Include some urgency in your statement. If your bonuses are
expiring, your offer is ending, or your price is rising soon, include that in your
call to action.

Example: Click the button below to get the ABC Diet and start shedding
pounds before we take away the meal plan bonus.

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