
(itemelite) #1

Be honest in your statements. Don't say the price is going up or the offer is
ending soon if it's not. That erodes trust in you if the visitor comes back after
your supposed deadline and the offer is still the same. It can also get you in legal

What if there's nothing time-sensitive about your offer? You can still add
urgency to your CTA in an ethical way. Focus on the benefits of buying your
product or service and remind your visitor that the sooner they purchase, the
sooner they will get the results they want.

Example: Click the button below to get the ABC Diet and start shedding
pounds in time for beach season.

In that example we're using the changing seasons as a reason to act now. That
would be a great CTA to use in the winter or spring months. Just make sure to
change it by summer, since if someone sees that in August, they will be
confused. You could change the last part of it to something like before summer
ends or in time for the holidays or before the new year starts.

If you don't want to make your CTA that seasonal, here's an example that you
could use all year: Click the button below to get the ABC Diet and start
shedding pounds right away.

Think about it. If someone wants to lose weight and thinks your product will
help them, shouldn't that be enough reason to buy now? In the long run, the
price of the program isn't nearly as important as the person looking and feeling
better, improving their health, etc.

If you don't mind getting just a little negative, you can inject some pain into your
CTA, like this: You won't shed those pounds until you take action. Click the
button below to get the XYZ Diet and start getting results right away.

Don't feel bad about doing that. All you're really doing is pointing out something
your reader is already thinking. If your product works, you're doing them a favor
by giving them a push to buy now.

You can easily add urgency to any “how to” type product by pointing out that
people won't get the results they want until they take action. That probably
sounds obvious, but pointing it out can make a big difference.

  1. Consider Offering Live Chat

Surveys show that customers love live chat features on websites, and software
makes it easy to add that functionality to your site.

That's assuming you (or your staff) is going to be online during typical business
hours to chat with people. If you have a full-time job and are a one-person
business, you probably don't have the time to do this yourself.

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