
(itemelite) #1

Rather than sell one-to-one, you can sell one-to-many.

You don’t need to drive down the street or into the neighboring town, have two
or three meetings, and then (hopefully) get a sale...

Now, you can put hundreds of people on a webinar and sell them ALL at the
same time without leaving your office!

At the end of the day, selling really only boils down to a few things...

You Must Solve a Problem

This goes without saying... You need to sell stuff that solves problems. The
bigger the problem, the more you can sell.

There’s a catch-22 there though. Sure, you might have the best solution on the
planet, but you still need to make sure that you're out in front of your audience.
The folks who are both willing and able to buy from you!

Many, many good products and services have died a slow death because the
business owner didn’t figure out how to get in front of the right market.

Know Your Audience

You have to know exactly who your ideal customer is (and who they aren’t!).
We can talk all day about defining your perfect customer avatar, but at a
minimum, you should know:

  • Their gender

  • How old they are

  • What they do for a living

  • What they're interested in

  • Where they live

  • What languages they speak

  • What devices they use

That, my friends, just gets you started. In order to write sales copy and really
make them feel like you’re talking to them, you should have a pretty good idea

  • What they do in their free time

  • What their biggest aspirations are

  • What they fear the most

  • What they eat

  • What time they wake up / go to bed

  • What they enjoy doing on vacation

  • What kind of car they drive

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