
(itemelite) #1

In short, you should know so much about this person, that you should give them
a name. And, every time you sit down at your desk to write anything even
remotely sales related, you should be trying to figure out how to best
communicate with “Bob” (or Mack or Angela or Buddy).

To make this easier, we included a customer avatar builder inside Scriptly that’ll
help you pinpoint your ideal client, and use that data to speak directly to them
through emails and webinars!

Create a Structured Sales Process

The Internet and what it has done for business folks like us is pretty marvelous,
but the absolute biggest advantage we have now is in how easy it is to create a
structured sales process.

Between having dedicated sales mechanisms like webinars, sales videos and
email autoresponders; it’s relatively easy to create a standalone sales process in
your business that welcomes every new lead in while funneling revenue out.

That’s why we created Scriptly – to make it easy to handle all of the copy that
needs to be in place to make that happen.

Sure, you might still need sales people but the people they do talk to will be
much more qualified!

The Call to Action Must Be Clear

Every piece of content, every blog post, every Facebook post, and every email
that goes out to you audience should have a clear call to action in it.

And if it doesn’t, you need to have a reason why it wasn’t included.

Now, I’m not talking links to just sales messages either. You should always ask
your audience to do something like:

  • Clicking a link to watch a Youtube video.

  • Signing up for your next webinar.

  • Liking a new blog post.

  • Subscribing to your Youtube channel.

  • Opting in for a new report.

  • And, of course, clicking a link to go check out a sales video

Inside Scriptly, you’ll find everything from bonding sequences to product sales
sequences and the common element between them ALL is that we’re asking
audiences to take action.

Every email is structured so that they A) get opened, B) get read, and C) get

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