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Which leads me to the last part... Creating systems.

Systematize Your Process

I’m a big believer in systems. Why? Having built hundreds of them for clients
and for my businesses... Having a system, or a machine, that turns leads into
sales is the absolute most powerful thing in business. When you can spend a
dollar and get back two – you’re onto something big!

To this day, one of the most profitable systems to employ is a webinar:

  • Your new leads sign up for your webinar

  • On the webinar, you bond with them, teach them, and ultimately pitch
    them (resulting in some sales)

  • After your webinar, you mail them a replay of the presentation (getting
    more sales)

  • After four or five days, you shut down the webinar replay (which
    results in another sales spike)

  • And then you have a bunch of leads to mail your next offer!

To help you along the process, not only does Scriptly have a webinar writer,
called the Webinar Wizard... We also have the webinar promotion email
sequence AND the replay email sequence that you can use for your promotion!
In fact, we include four webinar sequences, promotional and replay sequences
for evergreen offers and for time-limited offers. So if you're running an
automated webinar, your offer is not closing anytime soon, and you don't want
to say in your emails that it's ending, we've got you covered.

All that’s left for you to do is set it up in your autoresponder! Or, if you’d like
us to do it for you, you can tell us about your project at

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