
(itemelite) #1


There you have it, some of my best stuff on conversion, or more simply put,
how to sell more stuff online.

Of course, I can't possibly put everything there is to know about Internet
marketing in one book, so I have focused on the main ways we make sales in
our business: email marketing, video sales letters, webinars, and strategy

There are many other things you can do to get traffic and make sales online, but
if you focus on what we cover here, you will be off to a great start and well
ahead of 80% of your competition.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this book and learned from it, but more
importantly, I hope you take action and implement what it teaches. After all, just
reading about sales copy and autoresponders and so on won't do anything for
your business until you act on what you've learned.

To schedule a call for a customized action plan for your business, go to:

And finally, come check out our software,,, and; see the About the Author page for more details.

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