
(itemelite) #1

VSL Upsell Funnel

The Ascension Funnel is designed to upsell your buyer through the purchase

The first offer, or front end offer, is usually less than $100 and gradually
increases in price for two products.

For example, pricing is typically $37, then $97, and then $297. Each upsell is
roughly 3X the price of the previous sale.

There is a school of thought here where you offer an extremely discounted front
end offer - sometimes $1 or $7 - so that you can get more buyers through the
upsell process and maximize profitability.

Through lots of tests over the years, I’ve had success doing that, and miserable

In certain markets like photography and business development, customers regard
low price products as low quality. You’re better served to offer something at
$37 or $67 and then increase the prices of the products in your upsell funnel.

You might get fewer front-end sales, but you’ll make more money overall, and
get a better ROI on ad spend. If you price too low and your upsell doesn’t
convert, you end up dropping a bunch of cash on ad budget without ever getting
it back.

Here’s what the Ascension Funnel looks like:

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