
(itemelite) #1

There are a few email sequences inside Scriptly that’ll help work your prospects
through the process here...

  • The Ascension Promo Sequence - It’ll help you promote the next item
    in the sequence that WASN’T purchased. So if someone buys the front
    end offer and not the upsells, they’ll start getting emails about that

  • The Flash Sequence - By running a three-day, discounted front-end
    offer you maximize upsell revenue without sacrificing the perceived
    value of your front end product.

  • The Product Promo Sequence - Mail your list your newest offer, get
    clicks, and get sales.

The Launch Funnel

Create and popularized by Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula, the launch
funnel should be used with products over $997 and under $1997.

This funnel includes three professionally-done, professionally-written videos
that walk prospects through the problem, features, benefits, and case studies of
folks who have fixed the problem using the proposed solution (the product).

Executing a product launch is a time-intensive process, between planning,
creating, and copywriting.

You can think of it as one long sales presentation, executed through several
videos, all leading up to the inevitability of a product launch.

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