
(itemelite) #1

Price and Call to Action. “For only $97, you can get instant access to download
this. All you have to do is go to This will be a short
page, and it will have all the pieces of the product. You will be able to click the
Add to Cart button and purchase.”

Minutes 60-90:

Question and Answer. The question and answer section is the most important
section in your webinar because you're going to be able to consistently bring
people back to the product. Does your product cover this? Yes, it does. All you
have to do is go to and purchase. That's how we like
to maneuver through the question and answer. Be sure to put that order page
address on your slide.

The Q&A piece is where you are going to get most of your sales. When you
actually do that initial Call to Action, you're going to get 5 to 6% of people
taking you up on your offer. 20 to 25%, depending on your price point, are going
to take you up by the Question and Answer. The question and answer piece is

We’re going to be going through each of these parts in greater detail, but the big
one is the Deliver Value piece. By delivering value, it’s always easiest to start up
with the “Five Things You Need to Know about ____” title or some kind of
list topic.

It's very, very easy to put together. If you have a product in the market, you
probably already have a report that you can use to sum up that content for this
sort of a topic. So, for example:

  • 5 foods you should be eating to lose belly fat

  • 7 things you need to do to be prepared for the end of the world

  • 3 proven methods of getting your girlfriend back

  • #1 way to save money on your electricity bill

  • 4 things you need to know before buying new windows

These little benefit-laden statements are perfect topics, and also perfect
headlines for your webinar. The list-style topic is great, because it lets you do
two things: it tells the prospect what they're going to learn if they sign up; and, it
also gives you a pretty compelling title.

I have found that a very well-structured webinar, like these list-style webinars,
are the best received, and work the best. You give snippets of information and
training without revealing the whole, under-the-hood system. If you have a
product on how to lose weight, then you can actually go through and deliver the
five foods you should be eating to lose belly fat. Then you may say, if you like
this stuff, and if you want more, all you have to do is go to
and purchase our course.

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