
(itemelite) #1

All you will need to come up with is about 30 minutes of content. Bottom line.
The first 5 minutes are just general, “Hey, how are you? Can everybody hear me
okay?” A little bit of banter back and forth. You can even ask some folks
questions, or tell jokes, or do whatever. You have 5 to 10 minutes to introduce
yourself, talk for 30 minutes about the topic itself, and then you start closing

There are other ways of picking a topic. I found that the best thing to do is start
out with the list-style webinar and then, ask! So, you start off with the “5 Things
About...” or “7 Deadly Things...” and when you start building your list, or you
already have a list, you ask your people what they want to learn more about. Let
them tell you what they want to know more about, or what they want changed. I
survey my folks a ton, and it is fantastic.

The next topic is thrown in here because it's worthwhile to think about it when
planning your webinar. It’s known as Pain Points. The first 15 minutes of the
call, while you’re talking about yourself, and in the first few minutes of the
delivered content phase, you should be focused on a Pain Point: something that
irks the people in the audience, something that bothers them, something that
drives them crazy, something that they want to fix, something they want to
solve, and the only way to solve it is with your product.

The reason I'm saying that is because I've seen webinars in the past that didn't
necessarily have a very defined Pain Point, and conversions were always lower
because they never actually rubbed it in.

So, a couple of things to ask yourself when thinking about a Pain Point are: Why
are prospects on the call? Why are people giving you an hour of their day? What
is it to solve? Why are they giving you their time? They are giving you not only
time on the webinar, but also time reading your emails, time signing up, time
watching the replay. They are giving you their time for some reason. It’s not
necessarily because they like you, or they want to hear your voice, or any of
that. They are giving you their time because there's a benefit, an implied benefit.
What are you solving?

That's the Pain Point that we really want to figure out and rub in. By rubbing it
in, we’re going to continue bringing it up, to say how you struggled through it,
and how you eventually came to solve that Pain Point. They’re trying to solve
something in their life, just like you when you first started trying. What is that?
Make sure to aggravate that Pain Point, and then start to provide some answers
to that Pain Point in the content piece of your webinar. Then, the ultimate
answer is for them to buy and consume your product.

Here is an example:

“I was just like you. I had my fiancé walk out on me because I was working too
much and not paying enough attention to her... But her leaving was a wake-up
call for me. I regretted every minute of the three months we were apart... And I
found these three things that worked... I had a few of my buddies try them out

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