
(itemelite) #1


Promotion tips are going to be delivered in two flavors. First, if you have
a list—you have an audience that you can leverage. Second, if you don't
have a list. We have some tips for both.

In webinars, I've got more of a Ready, Fire, Aim approach. I always
figure out how to promote the webinar before I actually do the webinar
presentation. This is kind of one of my things. I always go out and line
up promotional partners, figure out the different steps to take in order to
get the webinar out there before I even write the webinar. I don't actually
write the 20 to 30 slides for the webinar until a couple hours before it
takes place. I advise you to do a little bit more than that planning-wise—I
have done hundreds of these and I know the format pretty well.

There are a ton of ways to promote a webinar, and they depend on your
reach. If you have a list, then it's going to be a little bit easier to get folks
on the call. If you don't have a list, it’s going to be a little bit more
difficult. Either way, we're going to give you some strategies that are
going to work for you. We’re also going to give some general
overarching strategies to everyone, if you have a list or not.

If you have a list, email them three times, inviting them to sign up for
your webinar. With our list, we’ll set aside three days to email for the
webinar. We’ll email two days before the webinar, the day before the
webinar, and then the day of the webinar. Each email should be different
with different content. You point them to sign up to the same URL. The
email will include some bullets about what you're going to be talking
about, and have the sign-up link in that email two or three times. I
usually try to close the email by telling them that, in order to get the

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