
(itemelite) #1

considered a software as a service. Basically, you pay for a license or a
user account, and you have the ability to run webinars from it.

Let’s start by talking about the Live versus Automated conundrum.

Some people think live is better. Some people think automated is better.
We have our own viewpoints, which we’re going to discuss in this

When you are running a live webinar, it is live. It is a true event. You
give up an hour or two of your time, and the 100 to 200 people attending
the webinar give up an hour or two of their time to listen to you talk or to
listen to you present and educate them.

That's the thing about live—people can ask questions, and you can
answer those questions, live, and there isn’t an issue when it comes to

You also get to gauge the feedback of the audience. Some audiences just
aren't necessarily as skilled as other audiences. A lot of times, you end up
getting somebody to mail for you and your webinar, or an affiliate mails
for your webinar, or you get traffic from one source, say Facebook, and
they just don't necessarily have that foundation for what it is you're
talking about. They are interested in it, they want to learn more, but they
might be a little bit behind. Think about when students from 8 or 10
different grade schools all go to high school, the high school has to start
at a very foundational level, in order to build all the students, from all
these different places, up through the ranks.

When you're running a live webinar, you can tell that. It is just like a
teacher in the classroom who is able to judge, test, quiz, and see how
well-versed the students are in the subject matter that they're trying to

You can’t do that with automated webinars because you're not there. The
automation just happens; the webinar just goes, and you have no idea
what level that audience is at.

Also, when you run live, you present to a crowd, which can help with
energy. Energy is one of those weird things. I'm not real big into the
cosmic energy of the universe, but the same time, I do know that when
you're listening to somebody speak who doesn't have a lot of energy, you
tend not to respond with a lot of energy.

Presenting to a live crowd, when people are actually asking questions,
giving you feedback, giving a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, and all that

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