
(itemelite) #1

For automated webinars, we use It has become the
premiere service for this. It comes with some pretty impressive bonuses
and a 30-day guarantee. It has a very flexible advanced scheduling
system. It can do Just-in-Time webinars that start a few minutes after
someone registers, or you can have it start the webinar at a specific time
if you prefer.

EverWebinar has a pretty robust email system built-in, so in many cases
we put our post-webinar followup email sequences right in EverWebinar
rather than our autoresponder service. It also handle pre-webinar emails
if you want it to. EverWebinar also integrates with just about all software
that you can imagine. It has lots of analytics and reports so you can see
in-depth exactly how your webinars are performing.

Another interesting feature of EverWebinar is called Hybrid Webinars.
This lets you chat live with your attendees while your prerecorded
webinar plays. Of course, that means you have to be there to do this, but
it lets you focus on interacting and frees you from having to do the
presentation again and again. A good way to use this is to monitor which
days and times get the most attendees to your replays, then just show up
to chat for those times. For example, if it turns out that your Tuesday and
Thursday night replays draw the biggest crowds, you could be on those
to run the chats those nights and just let your replays run on autopilot the
rest of the week.

We've also used for automated webinars. You are
going to have to go through some of the documentation in order to set it
up correctly, and, while you may not need a tech guy, you might want

somebody who is more tech-savvy to set it up. It's reliable, it doesn’t go
down, and you get excellent customer service. They will even set up your
webinar for you. If you have any issues whatsoever, you email Support
and they will get back to you within an average of 7 minutes. It’s
ridiculous. is a bulletproof service. It integrates with all kinds of
services and is also available on every platform that you could want.

Once you actually join, they have a pretty extensive
on-boarding process, which is going to give you enough information to
get started.

The thing about automated webinars is that there isn't an industry
standard. Everybody is trying to create their own automated webinar
platform and be that industry standard. It’s just something to be aware of.

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