
(itemelite) #1

It’s also going to give your webinar structure, much like a mission
statement. I sometimes get a bit deep into business theory and process,
and one of the things that gets into is mission statements. A good mission
statement will help you focus what it is you do from a business
standpoint, and what you do day-to-day to actually bring revenue
through the door. A good webinar headline is very much the same thing.
First of all, it is a good headline; second of all, it’s a good webinar title;
and, third of all, it’s a good framework that you can use to actually
deliver the webinar.

After you think of that headline, and think of the webinar title itself,
everything else just falls into place, because the structure of the webinar
is really very simple. There is an introduction, and then there is the
content, and the content is going to play right into what this headline
should be.

So, for instance, “7 Ways to Increase Your Productivity in an Hour or
Less”: first of all, in an hour or less is great, because the webinar is going
to be under an hour; and if we deliver seven productivity tips that are
going to be helpful for people who attend, then all we really have to do is
just devote a slide or two to each of the seven productivity tips, and talk
through them, provide a couple of examples, get a little bit of prospect
feedback, and then you end with a pitch.

The body copy is the second element of the signup page, and this is
where you can substantiate the headline. First of all, you want to try to be
personal, so “Join us for a webinar.” People like to buy from people, not
businesses. When you’re personal, when you’re inviting, when you're not
just a corporate figurehead, when you're not a logo, this helps frame you
as an expert. It helps people bond to you, and that's one of the beauties of
webinars, that they help bond prospects to you in a way that most
marketing does not.

Even if you asked for a sale at the end of the call, people hang out with
you for 45 minutes, 50 minutes, an hour, before you start pitching.
There's a lot of rapport-building that happens in that hour, and, especially
if you follow the framework we talk about here in this book, you're going
to deliver a lot of value, and people are really going to love you for it.

At the end, yes, there is a pitch. Yes, you can invite people to purchase
something from you which is going to aid their training or aid their
development a bit further, but as long as you are personal through the
interaction, and on the signup page, then people are going to continue to
see you as being the expert.

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