
(itemelite) #1

This bridge takes you from training into pitch, or into sale. For
example, “We covered a lot of stuff in this presentation, and I'm
sure your head’s just swimming. There were some great tips,
some great tutorials, foods, etc., but this is just the tip of the
iceberg. In fact, what we did is put together a training program,
because we’re getting so many amazing questions through these
webinars. We put it all together in a video course, and it's called

  • Slide 22: Go through the product. Describe the features and

benefits of the product, show product shots like box images or e-
book images, using Slides 23 through 26. Don’t drag this out too
long, because they’ve been through training, to a bridge, to now
looking at your product, and they are thinking, Do I want this?
Should I buy this?

  • Slide 27: Call to action. “This whole system is only $37. Just go

to to sign-up for it.” That’s your pitch. You
just pitched them on your product. So, I've seen it happen where
presenters hit that bridge, and they are doing fine, and then they
go into the product. However, the product is just so big that they
try to put 25 slides into talking about the product. The product
portion is way, way longer than the content portion that was just
delivered. That's an issue because people’s attention is going to
wane, and they are going to sign off. If they get too bored with
this product, then they are going to leave. The call to action is
going to be a dollar figure or just a URL.

  • Slides 28-31: Testimonials. Immediately after the call to action,

if you have some testimonials, you can add them here. You can
have 3-4 slides with “people who bought our system, or bought
our product, or bought our program, and this is what they've been
able to experience because of their purchase.”

  • Slide 32: Guarantee. You always want to tell them about a

guarantee on a webinar, so a 30-day guarantee, a 60-day
guarantee, a one-year guarantee, a Scout’s Honor guarantee,
whatever you want to do. I usually include the link to the
Support Desk right here, too. It's a nice goodwill gesture.

  • Slide 33: Bonuses. If you're including any fast action bonuses,

this is where they would be.

  • Slide 34: Questions. “Any questions you have? Go ahead, fire

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