
(itemelite) #1

away. I’m going to be here to answer questions for the next 30 or
45 minutes. I want to make sure that whatever rebuttals,
whatever feedback you may have about the training, we’ll get it
answered.” This is a slide you are going to hang out on. I have
seen questions last for 2 hours; it is totally up to you how long
you want to do questions.

Just be aware that most of the people buy while you are answering
questions. They don't buy because you very simply showed them the Call
to Action. The question time is where you exhibit your expertise. When
one person asks a question, you better believe 10 or 20 people have the
same question, but just haven't asked it.

The question and answer period is a great way to exhibit your
knowledge, and is also going to be where you get most of your sales. If
no one is asking questions, then grab some questions from past webinars.
Keep in mind that on Slide 27 to 34, make sure that that URL is on the
bottom on every page, so that people always have immediate access to it.

Make that URL short and sweet so it's easy for people to type in. Also
put the URL in the chat box, because in some webinar systems, that will
make it a live link. Obviously, people can't click on a link on your slide.
(OK, they can click, but it won't take them to your site!)

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