
(itemelite) #1


In this chapter, we will discuss your performance on the webinar. This is
the nitty-gritty. Everything that was done up until this point was just
setting up the webinar. This is where you actually get on and start going
through the webinar: you have a live audience, you have question and
answer, and one of the things I really want to get across today is the need
for confidence, the need for poise, and just getting up, getting out there,
and getting started.

When I first started doing webinars, it was daunting to me to even have
10 people on a webinar just listening to me talk. What if I screw up?
What if my Internet goes down? What if all of these unknown things
happened? How do you deal with that stuff?

Quite honestly, when I first started a few years ago, I was quite an
introvert. I didn't like talking; I didn’t like talking in public; I didn't like
the fact that people could hear my voice on the other end of the webinar.
It was rough. This section is going to help you squelch that.

It turns out this is very common. Even some people who speak on stage
at big events get nervous about doing webinars. So if you're nervous
about doing them, don't worry.

We’ll be doing a lot of talking about every element of the performance
itself, from the proper structure of a webinar, to how you should perform
verbally, along with giving you permission to do certain things. I’m also
going to talk about some money-getting strategies, some things that we
have seen work, and that have worked for us. We are also going to get
into the question and answer section, and why it is the most important

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