
(itemelite) #1


Here we will discuss the structure of your webinar and what you need to
do to actually pull off successful, high-converting webinars.

There are two general styles of webinars that you're going to be doing.
There's one with a co-host, where you are talking with somebody else—
and this sometimes makes it easier—or you are going to be doing it on
your own. When you are on your own, you are the only one who is
performing, and it really is a performance. Some people do it better than
others. Some people are more dry; some people are more animated and
action-oriented, but no matter how you look at it, it is a performance.

When I say it's a performance, I don't mean it's fake or that you will be
reading a script, just that you will be putting on a presentation for the
public, and that means there are certain considerations you should keep
in mind.

If you're doing it with somebody else, it's going to have a different
dynamic than if you are doing it on your own. If you're just getting
started, unless you have a partner, or somebody who is helping you with
your business, you're probably going to be doing it alone. I started doing
it alone. I had no connections, no friends in this space, so I didn't have
anybody else to go to to bounce ideas off of, or questions. It was just me,
going through it, providing some training, and then closing it up.

=As people start to promote your webinar, you start to get more
opportunities to work with a co-host. One of the biggest things in the
affiliate marketing game is, if somebody emails to your webinar, and you
generate 500, 700 or 1,000 attendees on your webinar, then first of all,
those attendees are yours, and, second of all, that person whose list that is
is probably going to jump on the webinar with you, and actually be your
co-host. They are going to introduce you. They are going to be there to
bounce questions off of, or be there to ask for some more clarification on
some of the content of the training. But do not let that be a barrier of
entry to you; don't let you not having a cohost bother you up front. The

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