Science - USA (2018-12-21)

(Antfer) #1
SCIENCE 21 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6421 1361


exoplanets. As the lightest element, it can
be stripped off very effectively, forming an
extended cloud of gas around the planet,
possibly with an elongated shape similar
to cometary tails. If the planet transits its
parent star as seen from Earth, this escap-
ing gas can absorb substantially more star-
light than the planet itself, revealing its
presence during transit observations. This
method has allowed scientists to detect
massive “tails” of hydrogen around several
exoplanets; the most dramatic example is
the Neptune-size exoplanet GJ 436 b ( 8 ).
As neutral hydrogen absorbs at ultra-
violet (UV) wavelengths, it is only possible
to observe it from space, where UV light
is not shielded by ozone in Earth’s atmo-
sphere. However, even at the altitude of
the Hubble Space Telescope (about 568
km), hydrogen in Earth’s exosphere (outer-
most region of the atmosphere) produces a
contaminating signal (the so-
called geo-coronal emission).
Moreover, hydrogen gas per-
meates interstellar space, mak-
ing it difficult to distinguish
whether the absorption occurs
around the planet or anywhere
else along our line of sight. In
addition, stellar activity alters
the strength of hydrogen spec-
tral lines, complicating the
interpretation of variable ab-
sorption ( 9 ). As a result, only
the “wings” of hydrogen spec-
tral lines can be reliably as-
sociated with exoplanet mass
loss. This corresponds to gas
moving at tens to hundreds of
kilometers per second, already
quite far from the planet.
Helium is the second most
abundant element in the atmo-
spheres of giant planets, and it
is still light enough to be eas-
ily stripped off. In the near in-
frared, around a wavelength of 10,830 Å,
there is a particular helium spectral line
that can form by absorbing radiation from
a metastable state (a state where electrons
decay but with very long time scales—
hours in this case). Whereas this line can
form at the temperatures and densities of
planetary exospheres, interstellar helium
absorption is 1000 times less likely than
for hydrogen. This means that excess ab-
sorption due to a transiting planetary at-
mosphere can be sought even in the very
core of the helium line, allowing small ve-
locities to be probed. These give us direct
access to the region where atmospheric es-
cape originates.
Helium absorption was predicted at the
dawn of exoplanet science ( 10 ). Absorp-

tions up to a few percent in the core of the
helium line—more than 10 times as strong
as typical features in exoplanet spectra—
were estimated for two well-known transit-
ing exoplanets, the hot giant HD 209458
b and the hot Neptune-size GJ 436 b ( 11 ).
Observations with the WFC3 instrument
onboard the Hubble Space Telescope ( 12 )
detected helium in the transmission spec-
trum of the exoplanet WASP-107 b. How-
ever, owing to the low spectral resolution,
this excess absorption could only be seen
in one of the spectral channels, prevent-
ing the unambiguous identification of the
planetary origin of the signal.
Fortunately, infrared radiation around
11,000 Å penetrates Earth’s atmosphere
and therefore helium measurements can be
attempted with ground-based telescopes,
leveraging larger mirrors and higher spec-
tral resolution. Allart et al. and Nortmann

et al. resolved the detailed shape of the he-
lium spectral line and detected its chang-
ing velocity due to the radial component of
the planet’s orbital motion. This “Doppler”
effect causes a shift in the characteristic
absorption frequency of a spectral line for
nonzero velocity.
Allart et al. used the line shape informa-
tion to model the physical environment
around the warm Neptune-size planet
HAT-P-11 b. They derived a spherical shape
for the cloud of helium around the planet,
but no sizeable tail trailing the orbit. This
is in stark contrast to the extended hydro-
gen comas such as the one detected around
GJ 436 b, but in line with expectations
from interactions with the stellar radiation
field and winds. Nortmann et al. report a

strong helium absorption surrounding the
Saturn-size exoplanet WASP-69 b. By com-
paring their detection with a small sample
of exoplanets, they propose that the pres-
ence of escaping helium depends on the in-
tensity of x-rays and extreme-UV radiation
from the parent star, which in turn regu-
lates the population of the metastable state
of helium responsible for the 10,830 Å line.
Thus, only planets hosted by moderately
active stars should show helium absorp-
tion, in line with observations to date.
The findings of Allart et al. and Nort-
mann et al. reinforce the importance of
stellar environments in shaping the atmo-
spheric evolution of exoplanets. Attention
of the scientific community is turning to-
ward potentially habitable planets around
M-dwarf stars, which are particularly ac-
tive. Studying atmospheric escape across
a wide class of planetary systems will be
crucial for assessing how hab-
itability is influenced by en-
ergetic stellar radiation ( 13 ).
The measurements presented
by Allart et al. and Nortmann
et al. were obtained with a
new spectrograph called CAR-
MENES (Calar Alto high-reso-
lution search for M dwarfs with
exoEarths with near-infrared
and optical echelle spectro-
graphs) originally designed to
look at minute radial velocity
variations of stars due to the
gravitational influence of or-
biting exoplanets, but also ex-
celling in frontier atmospheric
characterization. As more
spectrographs like CARMENES
will soon become available, it
is expected that the synergy
between space and ground-
based observatories will inten-
sify, with the ultimate aim of
unveiling the atmospheres of
temperate exoplanets in the not-too-dis-
tant future. j

  1. R. Allart et al., Science 362 , 1384 (2018).

  2. L. Nortmann et al., Science 362 , 1388 (2018).

  3. H. Lammer et al., Astrophys. J. 598 , 121 (2003).

  4. R. A. Murray-Clay, E. I. Chiang, N. Murray, Astrophys. J. 693 ,
    23 (2009).

  5. B. J. Fulton et al., Astron. J. 154 , 109 (2017).

  6. J. E. Owen, Y. Wu, Astrophys. J. 847 , 29 (2017).

  7. A. Vidal-Madjar et al., Nature 422 , 143 (2003).

  8. D. Ehrenreich et al., Nature52 2, 459 (2015).

  9. P. W. Cauley, S. Redfield, A. G. Jensen, Astron. J. 153 , 185

  10. S. Seager, D. D. Sasselov, Astrophys. J. 537 , 916 (2000).

  11. A. Oklopčić, C. M. Hirata, Astrophys. J. 855 , L1 (2018).

  12. J. J. Spake et al., Nature 557 , 68 (2018).

  13. S. Rugheimer, L. Kaltenegger, A. Segura, J. Linsky,
    S. Mohanty, Astrophys. J. 809 , 57 (2015).

Hydrogen-Lyman a-1,216Å





Escaping gases
Atmospheric hydrogen and helium gases of an exoplanet that orbits closely
to its parent star can escape under strong irradiation. The escaping gas
can absorb more starlight than the exoplanet and can be detected by remote,
ground-based spectroscopy.

Published by AAAS

on December 21, 2018^

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