MaximumPC 2008 06

(Dariusz) #1


hen you see a color display on a
music-streamer’s remote control,
it’s natural to assume that the
manufacturer is going after the vaunted
Sonos Digital Music System. But after
thoroughly testing the Squeeze-
box Duet—Slim Devices’s
first new product since be-
ing acquired by Logitech—
we’ve concluded that Sonos
has little to worry about.
But the Squeezebox Duet isn’t
a failure—in fact, it’s the best Squeezebox
yet—but it’s aimed at an entirely diff erent
audience than the Sonos. Where the Sonos is
closed, proprietary, and relatively static, the
Squeezebox operates on open-source soft -
ware that encourages tinkering, third-party
development, and evolution. You’ll fi nd a host
of plugins for the SlimServer soft ware (now
called SqueezeCenter) that all Squeezeboxes
run on, and if you can’t fi nd one for your task,
you can roll your own.
But sound is the most important criterion
for measuring an audio streamer’s perfor-
mance, and the Duet’s design forced Logitech
to drop the 24-bit Burr-Brown DAC that lent
previous Squeezebox models their sweet
disposition. We’re happy to report, however,
that the 24-bit Wolfson WM8501 DAC that
replaced it is very much its equal. Rather use
outboard gear? The Duet is outfi tted with
optical and coaxial digital outputs, as well
as analog stereo. The device supports every
important fi le format, including AIFF, FLAC,
tively; and AAC, APE, Apple Lossless, MPC,
and WMA Lossless transcoded.
The new Squeezebox
receiver is smaller than

the Squeezebox 2 and can be tucked away
in your entertainment center—just make
sure it can reach your wireless access point.
The receiver is equipped with a 10/100 Eth-
ernet port, but in the ideal installation, the
remote will communicate with the receiver
(and control other Squeezeboxes) over your
802.11b/g Wi-Fi network. In the absence of
a wireless network, the remote will establish
a wireless connection with the closest
receiver, but your range will be limited be-
cause the devices will operate in ad hoc (as
opposed to infrastructure) mode.
The Squeezebox controller displays
album art, artist and song information, play-
lists, and other information on its 2.4-inch
backlit LCD (the buttons are backlit, too). The
remote is easy to master: A mechanical scroll
wheel lets you move up and down through
lists, and you press the center button to open
menus or select items. Four buttons arranged
around the perimeter of the wheel let you
add songs to your playlist, play a selection,
move back through menus, and move to the
top-level menu, respectively. The remaining
fi ve buttons control volume up/down, track
forward/back, and pause. The controller isn’t
nearly as elegant as what Sonos has to off er,
but it’s a huge leap forward from previous
Squeezebox remotes.
The Sonos Digital Music System remains
the product to beat in terms of elegance and
effortless setup, especially for multi-room
configurations, but Sonos can’t touch the
Squeezebox’s programmability and sheer

flexibility. The Squeezebox Duet is much
cheaper, too. – M I C H A E L B R O W N

Logitech Squeezebox Duet

Lots of changes to one of our favorite

streamers—all good!

+ -




Terrific remote
control, inexpensive,
open source.

Piggybacks on your
Wi-Fi network,
compatible only with




Formats WMA, WAV (native) AAC, APE,
Apple Lossless, MPC, WMA Loss-
less (transcoded)
Networking 10/100 Mb/sec Ethernet;
Display 2.4-inch LCD in remote control
Digitalto 24-bit Wolfson WM8501
Analog (24-bit resolution, 192kHz
Converter sampling rate)
Audio Outputs RCA, S/PDIF, Toslink


The Squeezebox Duet receiver has a low pro-
fi le, with just one multicolored LED to inform
you of the device’s status. | JUN 08 | MAXIMUMPC | 83

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