MaximumPC 2008 07

(Dariusz) #1


electing the perfect computer case
is like scouting the grocery store for
a bottle of wine. And as oenophiles
of all knowledge levels and palates know,
you can’t judge a bottle by its price. In that
sense, we’re scooping from the bargain bin
in this month’s mega-roundup of computer
cases: Only chassis priced at $100 or less
are eligible.
But don’t get the wrong idea. Just
because a case is cheap doesn’t mean it’s
poor. Although these budget boxes may
lack many of the bells and whistles of
their costlier counterparts—such as built-
in water cooling, hydraulic panels,
r crazy paint jobs—they can still provide
an awesome fit for your computer parts.
In fact, you’ll find you have a far wider
selection of models to choose from, with
more vendors making economy enclosures
than $500 monstrosities.

Of course, you’ll also likely fi nd that a
case’s relative pros and cons become more
extreme at this price level. For example, a
manufacturer may opt to release an aes-
thetically beautiful case... that doesn’t fi t a
high-end graphics card. Another may off er an
ingenious way to mount hard drives, only to
forgo any room for fans.
For this very reason, we mount a full sys-
tem in each case we review. The components
are identical to those we use in our standard
benchmarking systems and represent what
an enthusiast user would be working with in
a typical system install. Given the smaller size
of sub-$100 cases, it’s critical you verify there’s
suffi cient space for your components. There’s
just no compromising on that point.
But we’re taking it one step further: You
shouldn’t compromise on anything short of a
maximum case. And as you’re going to see, it’s
not always the big-name vendors that deliver.

Of course, you’ll also likely fi nd that a
case’s relative pros and cons become more
extreme at this price level. For example, a
manufacturer may opt to release an aes-
thetically beautiful case... that doesn’t fi t a
high-end graphics card. Another may off er an high-end graphics card. Another may off er an
ingenious way to mount hard drives, only to

For this very reason, we mount a full sys-
tem in each case we review. The components
are identical to those we use in our standard
benchmarking systems and represent what
an enthusiast user would be working with in
a typical system install. Given the smaller size
of sub-$100 cases, it’s critical you verify there’s
suffi cient space for your components. There’s
just no compromising on that point.
But we’re taking it one step further: You
shouldn’t compromise on anything short of a
case. And as you’re going to see, it’s
not always the big-name vendors that deliver.


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new heights | JUL 08 | MAXIMUMPC | 53

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