MaximumPC 2008 08

(Dariusz) #1

Breaking in the New Browser

You’re not a power user if you’re using Firefox 3 as-is. Here are

some tweaks to get you started

Get creative with your tags. If you’re
a baseball junkie, mark all your go-to
sites (for us, that’s Deadspin, Viva el
Birdos, Buster Olney, and Baseball
Musings) with the same tag—say,
something clever like “baseball.”
Then open your Bookmark Library
(Ctrl+Shift +B in Windows). Find
“baseball” in your Tags folder, and
drag it to your bookmarks toolbar.
You’ve just created a Smart Book-
mark. Now click “Open all in tabs”
and enjoy your sports fi x!
Early beta builds of Firefox 3
shipped with six default Smart Book-
marks, but they’ve been whittled
down to three in Beta 5. To restore
the old Smart Bookmarks, go to
about:confi g and search for browser.
places.smartBookmarksVersion. Set it
to 0 and restart Firefox. Presto! More
Smart Bookmarks.
It’s possible to make even more
nuanced Smart Bookmarks that take
into account specifi c parameters of
your choosing, such as sites visited
that include the word “linux,” but
you’ve got your work cut out for you.
As of Beta 5, you’ll have to resort to
manually creating more complicated
bookmarks. You’ll need to go to Add
Bookmarks, create a name, and then
create a query string in the location
bar (for example, the string for the
“Most Visited” Smart Bookmark is
Results=10). Hopefully, Mozilla or
a third-party developer will have
created an easy Smart Bookmarks
extension by the time Firefox 3 is of-
fi cially released, but until then you’ll
have to rely on sites like MozillaZine
( for help.

52 | MAXIMUMPC | AUG 08 |

First, the scoop on the AwesomeBar algorithm: The “frecency” algorithm weighs results
based on a combination of frequency and recency, as mentioned before. But how exactly are
they weighted? In short: Typed URLs are valued the highest, followed by bookmarks, then
links you’ve manually clicked. Aft er this, results are weighted by the “frecency” of your site
visits. A site you’ve visited 10 times this week is weighted higher than a site you visited 10
times last week, for example. So the more oft en and the more recently you’ve been there, the
higher “frecency” it has and the higher it’s rated.
We think the Awesome Bar rocks as-is. But if you want to tweak it more to your liking,
we’ve got you covered.

 Change the maximum number of results the AwesomeBar returns: Go to the almighty
about:confi g page. Use the box at the top to navigate to browser.url.maxRichResults.
The default is 12; we prefer 6, so we don’t have to scroll within the drop-down menu.

 Only return results for URLs you’ve actually typed: Go to about:confi g again and
search for browser.urlbar.matchOnlyTyped. Set it to “true” to limit results to those
you’ve actually typed—fi nd the pages you want without sift ing through cruft.

If you just don’t like the AwesomeBar, we have good news and bad news. The bad news is
that Mozilla scrapped the old location bar code. The good news is that there’s an Add-on (of
course) called Oldbar that emulates FF2’s location bar. Find it at


Maximize your screen real estate with the Classic Compact
theme/Add-on combo.

Don’t like the new “keyhole” ar-
rows? Want to make Firefox even
less obtrusive? Install the Classic
Compact theme (http://tinyurl.
com/2eon5x) and its companion, the
Classic Compact Options Add-on
( As the
name suggests, Classic Compact
trims the size of menus, buttons,
and tabs, so you can concentrate on
the pages you’re looking at—useful
for smaller monitors like those on
today’s ultraportable notebooks.
The Options Add-on lets you
customize the Classic Compact
theme, so you can create your own
mix-and-match theme that’s as com-
pact as you want it to be. Keep the
keyhole, but shrink the tabs? Sure!
You can even compress your menu
bar into just one drop-down button.
Free download pdf