New York Magazine - USA (2019-11-25)

(Antfer) #1

Were the

november25–december8, 2019 | newyork 31

as the decade began, there were rea­
sons to be optimistic: America had elected
its first black president, and the world
hadn’t cascaded into total financial collapse. Obama­
care, for all its flaws, was passed, and then came the
Iran deal and the Paris climate accords. Sure, there
were danger signs: the anger of the tea party, the slow
hollowing out of legacy news media, a troubling
sense that somehow the bankers got away with it.
But then maybe the immediacy of social media gave
some hope, at least if you listened to the chatter of the
bright young kids in the Bay Area trying to build a
new kind of unmediated citizenship. Maybe every­
day celebrity, post­gatekeeper, would change the
world for the better. Some of that happened. But we
also ended up with the alt­right and Donald Trump,
inequality, impeachment, and debilitating fomo.
How did we get here? Throughout the past weeks,
we had long talks over multiple sessions with
six people who helped shape the decade—and
were shaped by it—to hear what they’ve learned.
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