Play Station Official Magazine - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1



Each class has a set loadout
but that doesn’t prevent you
from unlocking and creating
bespoke gear. The handheld guns
are particularly deadly in space.


You can tailor a scary number
of ways to play, from weapon
scopes and attachments to
the type of ammo used. We love the
EMP bullets that stop enemies dead.


The Flanker class can move
faster and has a short burst
rather than a grapple. This
means you can actually dodge
bullets and go in for close kills.


The Support class is heavily
armoured and slow but packs
the big guns, including a
rocket launcher attachment to the
EMU backpack for insta-kills.

A class act
Suit up, space cadet, as your gear matters

Shooting areas of the
orbiting satellite creates
new paths and clouds of
debris to hide within.

Left Each suit can load two
attached weapons to the
EMU backpack for defensive
and offensive tactics.

Above The core gunplay
feels snappy, and the use
of motion controls on the
DualShock 4 for added
accuracy feels natural.
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