Play Station Official Magazine - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1



Weapons in this remake include
some taken from the original
game’s sequel, and you can
now combine them with Crypto-
137’s psi powers.


Weapons can be upgraded just
like in the original, but now the
improved versions have extra
functionality rather than getting
simple stat boosts.


The open-world maps of
the original game have been
improved, and in some cases
enlarged. We still get to zip around
on a rocket pack, too.


Crypto-137’s movement
has been overhauled. The
animation has been motion-
captured and the little guy has a
faster, smoother turn of pace.

Alien wares
How this remake is improving on the original

You could never achieve
this level of fine detail,
such as realistic sand,
on the humble PS2.

Left It’s rare to find an open-
world game being remade,
but Crypto-137’s return
looks lovely on PS4.

Above Years of watching
The X-Files has taught us
aliens love playing with cows.
Mess with its bovine brain!
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