Science - USA (2019-01-04)

(Antfer) #1
SCIENCE 4 JANUARY 2019 • VOL 363 ISSUE 6422 37



ar and preparation for war have
long led militaries to exploit,
transform, and degrade environ-
ments. How ironic, then, that at
the height of the Cold War, the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion (NATO)—the most powerful military
alliance ever assembled—emerged as a lead-
ing proponent of environmental-
ism. Simone Turchetti’s Greening
the Alliance is the first book to
explain the surprising rise, re-
peated revision, and possible
decline of NATO’s environmental
research program.
Turchetti organizes his book
chronologically. After insightful
passages on sources and meth-
ods, he traces the diplomatic
tensions and maneuverings that,
in 1958, led representatives of
the United States and Britain to cooperate
in securing support for a new NATO Sci-
ence Committee. Supporting environmen-
tal research, they hoped, would promote
parallel diplomacy to repair deepening di-
visions among the alliance’s 12 signatories.
Yet because the committee sponsored re-


Seeking solutions to Cold War divisions, in the mid-20th

century NATO embraced environmentalism

By Dagomar Degroot

BOOKS et al.

A military alliance goes green

search with obvious strategic applications,
it actually exacerbated divisions among
the allies.
In 1966, Turchetti argues, growing dissat-
isfaction with NATO’s science program came
to a head. The rise of environmentalism, the
sinking of the tanker SS Torrey Canyon, and
the political opportunism of Richard Nixon
all led to an American push for a new kind of
environmental research at NATO. Enter the
“Committee on the Challenges of
Modern Society” (CCMS), estab-
lished in 1969 to fund research
into toxicology, devastated ecosys-
tems, and environmental moni-
toring. Research pioneered by
the committee steadily advanced
a brand of environmentalism
that prized scientific rationalism
rather than the radical counter-
culture of the grassroots environ-
mentalist movement.
Yet, Turchetti explains that Eu-
ropean allies repeatedly stalled CCMS initia-
tives, which in any case never confronted
the environmental impact of military activi-
ties. When the CCMS exposed new divisions
within NATO, American support withered,
and the alliance’s commitment to environ-
mentalism seemed to fade. By that time,
however, emerging weapons systems in the
United States and the Soviet Union increas-
ingly demanded constant environmental
surveillance. This new reality encouraged

another round of environmental research,
with obvious strategic applications.
After the rise of Ronald Reagan and Mar-
garet Thatcher led NATO to again de-empha-
size environmental research, the collapse of
the Soviet Union led the CCMS to support
efforts to rehabilitate defunct Cold War mili-
tary bases. Environmental research at NATO
lives on but faces challenges amid the alli-
ance’s increasing focus on the “cybersphere.”
In the end, Turchetti convincingly argues
not only that militaries fostered the emer-
gence of modern environmental sciences but
also that they long set the agenda for ma-
jor research programs in its disciplines. His
analysis of the American role within NATO
is especially compelling. Far from a Cold War
hegemon, the United States in Greening the
Alliance could only achieve its objectives
with the cooperation of often-reluctant allies.
Skeptics will note, however, that American
officials repeatedly determined when, and
how, NATO would pursue environmental re-
search and policy.
The protagonists of Greening the Alliance
are scientists in the upper echelons of Cold
War military and diplomatic institutions.
This focus makes for a richly detailed story of
political maneuvering and high-minded ide-
als, yet it also deprives Turchetti’s narrative
of context that might have given it greater
significance. Politicians and military officers
are rarely mentioned by name, and ordinary
people who may have shaped the course of
scientific research, such as North Sea fisher-
men resistant to early oceanographic surveys,
rarely receive much attention.
Key scientific controversies discussed in
Greening the Alliance—the possibility of nu-
clear winter, for example—frequently appear
with little explanation, and Turchetti opts not
to compare NATO’s environmental programs
with similar and simultaneous efforts in
other western institutions. (Neil Maher has
recently revealed that NASA similarly strug-
gled to implement an “environmental turn”
in the 1970s, for example.) Moreover, because
Turchetti rarely explains the scope and sig-
nificance of NATO’s environmental science
program within the broader development
of 20th-century science, it is difficult for the
reader to know just how important the activi-
ties of the CCMS really were.
Written in workmanlike prose, Green-
ing the Alliance is therefore a book that will
primarily appeal to a relatively small group
of historians and political scientists. Yet for
those specialists, it succeeds in telling a new
and critically important story. j


NATO’s efforts stopped short of confronting the
environmental degradation caused by warfare.

The reviewer is at the Department of History,
Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, USA.
Email: [email protected]

Greening the Alliance
Simone Turchetti
University of Chicago
Press, 2018. 263 pp.

Published by AAAS

on January 3, 2019^

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