Science - USA (2019-01-04)

(Antfer) #1


previously reported results of a study on au-
thor gender in Science (
content/355/6323/329) that was based on the ex-
amination of a random sample of approximately
2600 authors for which gender was inferred by
painstaking analysis of websites and similar sourc-
es. Unfortunately, this approach does not scale
well to large samples necessary for many analyses.
We have since initiated systematic efforts to examine
gender distributions of key populations of authors and
reviewers for the Science family of journals using addi-
tional data and tools and plan to use this information
to guide policy develop-
ment and other appro-
priate steps to address
any gender disparities.
Since our initial study,
we have collected gender
and other demographic
information voluntarily
from approximately 5000
individuals (authors and
reviewers). To extend this
dataset further, we’ve
used first name–based
gender inference software
that we validated and
calibrated with accurate
datasets, as described in
the accompanying Sci-
encehound post (https://
analysis). The automated tool provides inferred genders
for more than 70% of the authors of both published and
rejected Science papers submitted from 2010 to 2017.
Based on comparisons with the individual-provided
dataset, these inferred genders are more than 93% ac-
curate on an individual basis. Furthermore, the inferred
gender information can be extended to populations
with gender distributions that appear to be more than
98% accurate.
The fractions of male and female authors for Re-
ports submitted to Science are nearly constant over the
8-year period examined. Twenty-five ± 1% of the first
authors are female, while 18 ± 1% of the correspond-
ing authors are female, consistent with the results from
our earlier analysis. These figures reflect the weighted
averages across the different fields covered by Science.
Separating submissions by field reveals that 30% of first
authors of submissions in the life sciences are female,

compared with 16% in the physical sciences and 22% in
other fields. The values for corresponding authors are
19, 12, and 20%, respectively.
The gender distributions for papers that were pub-
lished can be compared with those for the overall sub-
missions pool. The acceptance rates for Reports were
not significantly different for female as compared to
male first authors for papers submitted in 2016 and
2017, although significant differences were observed
favoring male authors from 2011 to 2015. Further work
is in progress to determine if these disparities are
due to gender biases in reviews, editorial decisions,
or other factors such as
institutional differences
and preferences. Signifi-
cant differences in Re-
port acceptance rates by
gender of corresponding
authors were observed
in 2012, 2014, and 2015.
We can also examine
other article types. For
example, the fraction
of female correspond-
ing authors for Perspec-
tives (driven largely by
editorial invitations to
Perspective authors and,
indirectly, peer review-
ers) grew steadily from
19 to 26% from 2010 to

  1. The Science news
    team’s analysis of data regarding its use of women and
    men as sources and in quotes in its stories reveals an
    increase in the fraction of quoted female sources from
    approximately 20% to more than 30% over the course
    of 2018.
    With these data and tools in place, we are now well
    positioned for further analyses and actions that ad-
    dress gender disparities. We plan to examine the gender
    distribution of our peer reviewers. Social science stud-
    ies indicate that women and men tend to have similar
    gender biases, based on their perceptions of the gender
    distribution of the population that they are examining.
    Nonetheless, ensuring that gender distributions for re-
    viewers approximate those for authors is good practice,
    and peer reviewers do get access to exciting scientific
    results and are often invited to write Perspectives. We
    plan to share these and other analyses and encourage
    others to perform and share similar examinations.
    –Jeremy Berg

Examining author gender data

Science Journals.
[email protected]




SCIENCE 4 JANUARY 2019 • VOL 363 ISSUE 6422 7


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Acceptance rates for Reports by gender of frst authors

Acceptance rate





DA_0104Editorial_R1.indd 7 1/4/19 3:37 PM

Published by AAAS

Corrected 4 January 2019. See full text.

on January 7, 2019^

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