Amateur Photographer - UK (2019-11-30)

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gear great

life and ensure it delivers the results you
expect. And it doesn’t have to cost a
fortune, because you can do some of the
work yourself. Read on to fi nd out how.

Protect and serve
Prevention is better than cure, and one
of the best ways to ensure your camera
stays in top condition is to protect it from
harsh environments. If your camera is
weatherproof, it should be fi ne in rain,
but it’s unlikely to appreciate being
submerged. If your camera isn’t

weatherproof, some form of cover is
advisable in bad weather and when
you’re going to a sandy beach in windy
conditions. You can buy dedicated camera
covers, but a clear plastic bag over your
camera with an elastic band holding it
tight to the lens, or even a shower cap,
can work eff ectively.
Very humid or cold conditions can also
be an issue for cameras and it’s important
to let them acclimatise accordingly. If your
camera is exposed to high humidity for
a long time, it’s worth having it checked

by a service centre to make sure it’s okay
and fungus-free.

Sensor cleaning
A grubby sensor is one of the most
annoying issues for photographers. When
there’s just one or two marks appearing in
your images, the natural inclination is to
clone them out, but they have a habit of
proliferating. And while it’s easy to clone
out a mark from a clean sky, it’s trickier
when it’s over a vital detail.
The fi rst step is to use your camera’s
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