Amateur Photographer - UK (2019-11-30)

(Antfer) #1

subscribe 0330 333 1113 I I 30 November 2019 17

Attention to detail
Once anything that might scratch your camera
or lens is removed, use a very slightly damp
cloth to wipe away any salt or mud that’s
remaining. Even if you can’t see any salt, it’s
worth wiping the whole camera down to
remove any corrosive residue. Rinse the cloth
and repeat.

Don’t pass by the port
Check your camera’s port covers and doors,
making sure they are all in place and fit well.
They are integral to any weatherproofing and
keep dust at bay. If any are missing, order
replacements and refit them as soon as
possible in order to keep your camera in
good condition.

Concentrate, please
If necessary, use a high-concentration
isopropyl alcohol or lens cleaner on a lens
tissue to clean the LCD screen and remove
any fingerprints or nose marks. You only
need a drop or two of the cleaner on the
tissue as a little goes a long way – just wipe
until it’s clean.
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