Let\'s Knit - UK (2019-12)

(Antfer) #1


Using 7mm needles and one
strand each of yarns A, B, C and
D held together, cast on 51 (55,
59, 63, 67, 71, 75) sts
£ K six rows
Commence Topaz patt as folls:
NOTE: sl sts pwise unless stated
£ Row 1 (WS): k3 (edge), yfwd,
wyib sl 1, k1, rep from
to last
four sts, yfwd, wyib sl 1, k3 (edge)
£ Row 2: k3 (edge), k2tog, k1,
rep from
to last ive sts, k2tog,
k3 (edge)
£ Row 3: k3 (edge), k1, yfwd,
wyib sl 1, rep from
to last four
sts, k1, k3 (edge)
£ Row 4: k3 (edge), k1, k2tog,
rep from
to last four sts, k1,
k3 (edge)
£ Rows 5-6: k to end
Rows 1-6 set Topaz patt
£ Cont in Topaz patt until work
measures 31cm, ending after a
WS row

First, second, third, fourth
and fifth sizes only
Shape armholes as folls:
£ Cast of three sts at beg of
next two rows. 45 (49, 53, 57,
61, -, -) sts
£ Cast of two sts at beg of next
two rows. 41 (43, 49, 53, 57,
-, -) sts
£ Cast of one st at beg of next
two rows. 39 (43, 47, 51, 55,
-, -) sts
£ Cast of 0 (0, 0, 1, 1, -, -) sts at
beg of next 0 (0, 0, 2, 2, -, -) rows.
39 (43, 47, 49, 53, -, -, -) sts

Sixth and seventh
sizes only
£ Cast of three sts at beg of
next two rows. - (-, -, -, -, 65,
69) sts
£ Cast of two sts at beg of next
four rows. - (-, -, -, -, 57, 61) sts
£ Cast of one st at beg of next
two rows. - (-, -, -, -, 55, 59) sts
£ Cont without shaping until
work meas 49cm, ending
after a WS row

£ Next row: patt to end, dec 0
(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6) sts evenly across
row. - (-, -, -, -, 53, 53) sts

All sizes
£ Cont without shaping until
work meas 48 (49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
53) cm, ending after a WS row

Shape shoulder
£ Next row (RS): patt 10 (11, 13,
14, 14, 14, 14) sts, cast of 19 (21,
21, 21, 23, 23, 23) sts, patt to end
Cont on this set of 10 (11, 13, 14,
14, 14, 14) sts only
£ Next row: cast of 5 (5, 6, 7, 7,
7, 7) sts, patt to end
£ Next row: cast of one st, patt
to end. 4 (5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6) sts
£ Cast of
With WS facing, rejoin yarn to
rem shoulder sts
£ Next row: patt to end
£ Next row: cast of 5 (5, 6, 7, 7,
7, 7) sts, patt to end
£ Next row: cast of one st,
patt to end. 4 (5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6) sts
£ Cast of

Using 7mm needles and one
strand each of yarns A, B, C and
D held together, cast on 28 (30,
32, 34, 36, 38, 40) sts
£ K six rows
£ Row 1 (WS): k5 (front edge),
* yfwd, wyib sl 1, k1, rep from
* to last three sts, k3 (edge)
£ Row 2: k3 (edge), * k2tog, k1,
rep from * to last ive sts, k5
(front edge)
£ Row 3: k5 (edge), * k1, yfwd,
wyib sl 1, rep from * to last three
sts, k3 (edge)
£ Row 4: k3 (edge), * k1, k2tog,
rep from * to last ive sts, k5
(front edge)
£ Rows 5-6: k to end
These six rows set Topaz patt
with garter st edges
£ Cont in patt as set until work
meas 31cm, ending after a WS row
Keeping patt correct, shape
armholes as folls:

First, second, third, fourth
and fifth sizes only
£ Cast of three sts at beg of
next RS row. 25 (27, 29, 31, 33,
-, -) sts
£ Cast of two sts at beg of next
RS row. 23 (25, 27, 29, 31, -, -) sts
£ Cast of one sts at beg of
next RS row. 22 (24, 26, 28, 30,
-, -) sts
£ Cast of 0 (0, 0, 1, 1, -, -) sts at
beg of next RS row. 22 (24, 26,
27, 29, -, -) sts
£ Cont without shaping until
work meas 43 (44, 45, 46, 47, -, -)
cm, ending after a RS row

Sixth and seventh
sizes only
£ Cast of three sts at beg of
next RS row. - (-, -, -, -, 35, 37) sts
£ Cast of two sts at beg of next
two RS rows. - (-, -, -, -, 31, 33) sts
£ Cast of one st at beg of next
RS row. - (-, -, -, -, 30, 32) sts
£ Cont without shaping until
work meas - (-, -, -, -, 47, 47) cm,
ending after a RS row

First, second, third and
fourth sizes only
Keeping patt correct,
shape neck as folls:
£ Cast of 8 (8, 8, 10, -, -, -) sts at

beg of next WS row, then two sts
at beg of foll two WS rows, then
one st at beg of foll two WS
rows. 8 (10, 12, 11, -, -, -) sts

Fifth, sixth and seventh
sizes only
£ Cast of ten sts at beg of next
WS row dec - (-, -, -, 1, 2, 4) sts
evenly across row
£ Cast of two sts at beg of foll
two WS rows, then one st at beg
of foll two WS rows. - (-, -, -, 12,
12, 12) sts

All sizes
£ Cont without shaping until
work meas 48 (49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
53) cm, ending after a WS row
£ Cast of 4 (5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6) sts
at beg of next RS row
£ Cast of 4 (5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6) sts
at beg of next RS row

Using 7mm needles and one
strand each of yarns A, B, C and
D held together, cast on 28 (30,
32, 34, 36, 38, 40) sts
£ K six rows

Start knitting here...




“Read through the pattern before
you begin and highlight the
instructions for your size.”
LK Deputy Editor, Adrienne Chandler
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