To create your I-cords,
cast four stitches onto a
double-pointed needle and
knit one row. Then, instead
of turning your work as you
normally would, slide the
stitches to the other end of
the needle. The yarn will
now be coming from the
left-hand side. Pull the yarn
tightly across the back of
your work and knit one row.
Keep going in this way until
your I-cord measures 38cm.
underarm, pm for beg of rnd. 52
(54, 56, 58) sts
Work in foll stripe sequence:
four rows in yarn B, four rows in
yarn A
£ K 8 (6, 6, 6) rnds
£ Cont in st st, dec one st at
each end of rnd on next rnd and
every foll 4th (6th, 6th, 6th) rnd
until 28 (32, 32, 32) sts rem
£ Cont without shaping until
Sleeve meas 21.5 (26.5, 30.5, 32)
cm from underarm
Change to 3.25mm dpns and
yarn A
£ Rnd 1: (RS) * k2, p2, rep from
* to end
£ Rep Rnd 1 until rib meas 3 (3,
3, 5) cm
£ Next rnd: k to end
Change to yarn D
£ Next rnd: k to end
£ Cast of
£ Using 3.25mm needles, yarn A
and with RS facing, pick up and k
78 (86, 94, 102) sts along right
front starting at top of neck
ribbing and working to bottom of
hem ribbing
£ Row 1: (WS) * p2, k2, rep from
* to last two sts, p2
£ Row 2: (RS) * k2, p2, rep from
* to last two sts, k2
£ Rep Rows 1-2 four times in total
£ Row 9: * p2, k2, rep from * to
last two sts, p2
£ Cast of in patt
£ Using 3.25mm needles, yarn A
and with RS facing, pick up and k
78 (86, 94, 102) sts along left
front starting at bottom of hem
ribbing and working to top of
neck ribbing
£ Row 1: (WS) * p2, k2, rep from
* to last two sts, p2
£ Row 2: (RS) * k2, p2, rep from
* to last two sts, k2
£ Row 3: as Row 1
£ Row 4: rib 2, cast of two sts,
[rib 16 (18, 20, 14) including st
used to cast of, cast of two sts]
4 (4, 4, 6) times, rib to end. 68
(76, 84, 88) sts
£ Row 5: [rib to cast-of sts, using
cable cast-on method cast on
two sts] 5 (5, 5, 7) times, rib to
end. 78 (86, 94, 102) sts
£ Rows 6-9: work in rib as set
£ Cast of in patt
Weave in ends and block. Sew
on buttons
Using two 3.25mm dpns and
yarn D, cast on four sts, k4, *do
not turn, slide sts to opposite end
of needle, pull working yarn tight
across back, rep from * until
piece meas 38cm
£ Cut yarn, leaving a tail, thread
through rem sts, pull tight and
fasten of
£ Join ends of I-cord together
and place join at bridge of Nose
Using image as a guide
pin Glasses to back and sew
into place using sewing thread
EARS (make two)
Using 3.25mm needles and
yarn C, cast on 22 sts
£ Rows 1-5: k to end
Change to yarn B
£ Row 6: p to end
£ Row 7: k1, [k1, ssk] three times,
k2, [k2tog, k1] three times, k1. 16 sts
£ Row 8: p to end
£ Row 9: k1, [k1, ssk] twice, k2,
[k2tog, k1] twice, k1. 12 sts
£ Row 10: p to end
£ Row 11: [ssk] three times,
[k2tog] three times. Six sts
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread
through rem sts, pull tight and
fasten of
Using image as a guide sew ears
into place. Swiss darn inner ear in
yarn B.
Weave in ends. Sew on
buttons. Block to measurements
(see p97) LK
“Remember to
pin the glasses
in place before
sewing them on
to the back of
the cardigan,
this will help
you to get the
just right.”
LK Editorial Assistant
Libby Loughnan