36 | MACFORMAT | december 2019 macformat.com @macformat
enhance your video clips
master the new video editing tools in Photos for iOS 13 and iPadOS
iT will TAke
15 minutes
yOu will leARn
How to adjust colour,
tone and composition
in Photos
yOu’ll need
iOS 13 or iPadOS,
until the release of iOS
13, video editing had been
somewhat relegated to the
back seat in the Photos app.
You could trim a clip’s start and end point, but
if there were problems with colour, tone or
composition then you’d need to export your
movie to a dedicated video editing app.
In iOS 13 (and iPadOS), the video editing
options in Photos have increased considerably.
You can now overcome common problems
such as over or underexposed tones; create
more vibrant colours; reduce image noise in
low-light shots, and sharpen soft detail. You
can even correct perspective distortion, a
lens-related phenomenon where a building’s
vertical walls appear to converge towards the
top of the frame. This is something you can’t
do in either the iOS, iPadOS or desktop
versions of iMovie, making Photos a more
valuable video post-production tool.
You can also now use Photos to organise,
process and share your video clips – further
increasing its appeal. George Cairns
How to Improve composition >
Composition problems
In this example clip, the low camera
angle has caused the building’s vertical
lines to converge towards the top of the
frame instead of running parallel with
the edges. The horizon also appears
to be tilted at an angle.
Straighten horizon
To fix a clip that has a tilted horizon,
tap Edit. Tap the Crop icon, then tap the
Rotate icon. Drag the slider downwards
to rotate the clip in an anticlockwise
direction. The overlaid grid helps you
to make sure the horizon runs straight.
Perspectival distortion
To make a building’s converging
vertical lines run parallel with the edges
of the frame, tap the Vertical Correction
icon. Drag the slider upwards to distort
the clip’s geometry and remove the
distortion. Tap Done.