MaximumPC 2008 12

(Dariusz) #1





Warped PC

Warped PC


For submitting this month’s winning entry,
Erik has won a $250 gift certifi cate. To
enter the Rig of the Month contest, see
the offi cial rules on page 101.

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rik Pearson thought radiators
on standard water-cooled cases
looked like an afterthought—slapped in
the rig with little consideration given to
aesthetics. Instead of settling for a run-
of-the-mill case, he designed his own. As
a structural engineer, Erik had designed
everything from furniture to bridges to
electronics, but never a computer —until
he tackled this project.
Cutting and shaping the 5/16-inch
aluminum face plates was the
most challenging part of the build.
And although the project was time
consuming —many a Sunday afternoon
was spent sanding Bondo —Erik says
that, overall, the build was trouble free.

Warped PC

Warped PC


For submitting this month’s winning entry,
Erik has won a $250 gift certifi cate. To
enter the Rig of the Month contest, see
the offi cial rules on page 101.

rik Pearson thought radiators
on standard water-cooled cases
looked like an afterthought—slapped in
the rig with little consideration given to
aesthetics. Instead of settling for a run-
of-the-mill case, he designed his own. As
a structural engineer, Erik had designed
everything from furniture to bridges to
electronics, but never a computer —until
he tackled this project.
Cutting and shaping the 5/16-inch
aluminum face plates was the
most challenging part of the build.
And although the project was time
consuming —many a Sunday afternoon
was spent sanding Bondo —Erik says
that, overall, the build was trouble free.

A total of seven jigsaw blades were sacri-
fi ced to build this rig —two for the face plates
and fi ve for the curved fi berglass panels.

It took Erik a year of weekends
to complete the Warped PC. We
think it was time well spent.

The design on the side of the case was
used by Volkswagen several years ago.
Erik found the oversize decal on eBay.
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