
(Nora) #1
December 2019 | REDONLINE.CO.UK

30 minutes, plus
30 minutes

O6 medium egg
whites (200g)
O325g caster sugar,
plus 2tbsp
O30g cornflour
O1tsp white wine
O150g toasted
hazelnuts, roughly
ground in a food
O300ml double cream
O1tsp icing sugar
O1tsp vanilla sugar or extract,
or the seeds from 1 vanilla pod
O300g fresh mandarins (about 3-4)

O50g dark chocolate, melted
O25g toasted, chopped hazelnuts

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C
fan) mark 4. Grease and line a 25 x
35cm Swiss roll tin with parchment.
2 In the clean bowl of a stand mixer,
whisk the egg whites with a teeny
pinch of salt (or using a handheld
electric whisk) until lightly stiff. Start
adding the sugar, bit by bit. Keep
whisking until you reach stiff peak

stage; this may take a few min. Add
the cornflour and white wine vinegar
and whisk again.
3 Fold in the roughly ground hazelnuts.
Fill a large piping bag fitted with a
plain nozzle with the meringue mixture.
Pipe into the prepared pan in an even
layer. Alternatively, spoon the mixture
into the pan and spread evenly.
4 Bake for around 25-30min, until
the meringue is firm, slightly cracked
on top and lightly browned. Leave
to cool in the pan for about 10min.
5 Cut a piece of baking parchment
slightly larger than the pan and place
on the worktop. Carefully turn the
meringue out on to the baking
parchment and let cool.
6 Whip the cream for the filling with

the icing sugar and vanilla until stiff.
Peel the mandarins and remove the
pips and as much membrane as you
can. Chop the flesh into small pieces.
7 Peel away the parchment paper from
the cold meringue. If it is difficult to
remove, brush the paper with water,
then peel. Spread an even layer of
whipped cream on top of the meringue,
then add the mandarin pieces. Very
carefully roll up the meringue
lengthways, as tightly and neatly as
possible, using the baking parchment
to help you. Transfer to a plate, making
sure the seam is underneath. Tidy up
any spills of cream. Drizzle chocolate
across the top in a messy pattern,
then sprinkle with toasted chopped
hazelnuts. Chill until ready to serve.



Despite its name, this
roll has nothing to do
with Hungary, as this
cake was actually
invented in Sweden.
I have to admit, this
cake is nostalgic for
me: as a child of the
1980s, there wasn’t
a party without a
meringue roll full of
fruit. You can vary the
filling as you please.

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