
(Nora) #1
December 2019 | REDONLINE.CO.UK

... you need to show it a little more love. Temper the season’s

excesses by adding some key ingredients (including chocolate)

to restore the harmony within, says Ella Dove


istening to Dr Megan Rossi speaking about gut bacteria, it feels like
she’s telling me about millions of tiny friends. ‘Each one likes different
things,’ she says. ‘Like humans, they have different taste preferences.
You have to think about eating a range of foods with every meal – not
just the foods you like, but what your bacteria will like, too. If you
look after them, they’ll help you out, but if you don’t, they’ll get kinda
grumpy. They might turn on you – and trust me, no one wants that.’
With her sunny Australian accent and flawless skin, it’s easy to take
Dr Rossi’s advice on board. After qualifying as a dietician in 2009,
she went on to do a PhD in gut health at the University of Queensland, and has worked as
both a clinical dietician and a sports nutritionist for the Australian Olympic synchronised
swimming team. In 2017, Dr Rossi started her own business, The Gut Health Doctor, and
opened a clinic in London’s Harley Street earlier this year. She is also a research fellow at
King’s College, London. Her knowledge on the subject is inimitable and her passion is clear.







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