
(Nora) #1


December 2019 | REDONLINE.CO.UK

When we think of gut health, many of us assume the usual advice – cutting down on fats,
and getting our five-a-day. And while this is certainly a solid baseline for healthy eating,
I soon learn that gut health should not be thought of in terms of limitations. In fact, Dr Rossi
explains, it’s all about diversity. ‘It’s not a case of eating 10 top foods,’ she says. ‘It’s about
adding in, not taking out. Instead of always having red peppers, get the green and yellow
ones, too. Instead of chickpeas, buy a full bean mix. You can be an omnivore and you
can eat meat, as long as you side it with some form of plant-based goodness.’
At Christmas in particular, our digestive systems are hit with constant excess, with the
seemingly endless carousel of alcohol, pigs in blankets, chocolate – and much more. Rather
than simply cutting out the selection box, by accompanying our usual Christmas lunch
with mixed grains and a variety of vegetables – think sweet potato and courgette as well
as the usual roast potatoes – we can be kinder to our guts. As Dr Rossi explains: ‘Just like
any football team, the most successful isn’t the one with all super-star strikers, but the one
with a range of players’ skills to provide balance.’
Variety is all well and good, but when it comes to sugar intake, surely we should ease up
on wolfing down the chocolate tree decorations? ‘One of the nutrition myths out there is that
sucrose (aka sugar) is bad for your gut microbes,’ says Dr Rossi. ‘Like most things, small
amounts as part of a balanced diet won’t harm your gut lining or microbes.’ Meaning there’s
no need to ditch your chocolate Advent calendar.
It’s not just about what you eat, it’s also about how you eat it. ‘Taking your time to chew
is a really helpful way of preventing bloating,’ says Dr Rossi. ‘When we’re enjoying our
food, we often just vacuum it up, but we should be chewing each mouthful between
10 and 20 times. Digestion starts in the mouth – as well as the physical act of chewing,
we have chemicals in our saliva that start to break down food.’
Okay, so we may be thinking about our post-Christmas groaning tummies just now,
but besides that, why is gut health so important? ‘It affects literally everything,’ Dr Rossi
explains. ‘The gut is linked to the kidneys, the heart, the brain – there’s even a link with
mental health. Studies have shown that people who
are suffering the greatest levels of stress are also
the ones suffering the most significant gut issues.’
Take Christmas bloating. It’s very common, but is
not just a result of the large quantity of food we are
likely to consume. ‘It can also happen as a result of
feeling super-stressed – with endless preparation, 50
Christmas parties to go to and not enough time to do
our work,’ Dr Rossi says. She recommends ‘15 minutes
a day of gut-directed yoga flow, which can relax the
gut muscles that trigger bloating’. This is a practice
that consists of four parts: warm-up, breathing, moves
and then calm. ‘All parts help manage the physical and
psychological symptoms of stress,’ she explains. ‘Many
of my patients who suffer with IBS-related tummy pain
have found implementing this practice hugely beneficial
in preventing the symptoms from escalating.’ Breathing
and specific yoga moves, such as Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow
and Happy Baby are good for your gut, and also try the
Humming-bee Breathing exercise, left.
Sleep is another crucial factor. ‘If you aren’t getting
enough sleep, it can change your gut bacteria. Aim for
at least seven to nine hours a night. Keep a worry diary
to help combat insomnia and, as soon as you wake up,
expose your face to light to help regulate your body’s
routine,’ says Dr Rossi. Bacteria, she explains, have their
own body clock, just like we do. By eating well, finding
balance and retaining your body’s natural rhythm, you
can give your gut the merry Christmas it deserves.

For each question, circle the
answer that applies to you.


How often are you
bothered by bloating,
reflux, or constipation?
Less than once a month (0 points)
1–3 times a month (1 point)
1–2 times a week (2 points)
3 or more times per week
(3 points)


How many different
plant-based foods do you
eat each week? (Include legumes,
wholegrains, vegetables, fruits,
nuts and seeds – herbs and spices
count as a quarter of a point.)
30+ (0 points)
20–29 (1 point)
10–19 (2 points)
Less than 10 (3 points)


How often are you unwell,
e.g. with cold or flu?
Less than 3 times a year (0 points)
Once every 2–4 months (1 point)
At least once a month (2 points)


Are you avoiding any foods
because of a suspected or
diagnosed food intolerance?
No (0 points)
Yes (2 points)


How often are you negatively
impacted by stress?
Less than once a month (0 points)
1–3 times a month (1 point)
Every week (2 points)

Add up your score from 0 to 12:
Lower end of the spectrum
Top marks. For you, it’s all
about keeping your gut health
in top condition.
Higher end of the spectrum
You need to build more variety
into your diet. See over the page
for Dr Rossi’s gut-friendly recipes.

Not only does breathing activate the
‘rest and digest’ system, it also
teaches you how to embrace and
control new and often uncomfortable
feelings in your body. This is a great
tool to use when you feel stressed.

  1. Sitting upright, with your eyes
    closed, raise your elbows to
    shoulder height and close your ears
    with your thumbs. Place your index
    finger above each eyebrow. Cover
    your eyelids with the middle fingers
    and place your ring finger beside
    the flare of each nostril.

  2. Take a slow, deep breath to fill
    your lungs. Partially close your
    nostrils and breathe out through
    your nose, making a humming
    sound. Continue the humming
    for four seconds. Repeat five to
    10 times, extending the humming
    duration as you feel more
    comfortable with it.

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