
(Nora) #1


ou get used to it quite quickly, really. Creeping
out of the house early, one last glance at the tree
glistening, presents strewn underneath, knowing
you won’t be there to see them opened. The last
click of the door as you leave Christmas behind
for another year. Because while everyone else
is seeing what Santa left them, you’ll be on
the labour ward delivering a different kind
of Christmas present, or down in A&E – how
can I put this – retrieving what someone’s got stuck up their chimney.
Of the seven Christmases I was an obs and gynae doctor, I worked for
six of them. And I was far from alone. Every year, hundreds of thousands
of NHS staff forgo chewing on overdone turkey and squabbling over board
games to do what would be unthinkable for so many other people: spending
Christmas away from their loved ones. Because while the rest of the

December 2019 | REDONLINE.CO.UK

His first book, a medical

memoir about life in

A&E, was a huge

bestseller. Here, author,

comic and former

junior doctor Adam Kay

shares his joyful, poignant

  • and darkly
    funny – Christmas
    moments on
    the wards

Twas the




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