
(Nora) #1


December 2019 | REDONLINE.CO.UK


Show yourself some love with
this simple wellbeing toolkit to help
you through the holidays


mid the pandemonium of present wrapping and late-night shopping, we can feel
frazzled and burned out, forgetting that we need to look after ourselves, too. So this
year, we’re insisting that you take some time to focus on yourself. And yes, that means
a little bit of self-care. Okay, it’s an overused term and often seems like an excuse for
selfishness (and anyway, you simply don’t have time, right?). But, for Anna Borges,
author of The More Or Less Definitive Guide To Self-Care, it merely means weaving
moments for yourself into the chaos, to help restore a sense of calm. ‘Not everything
in your life can be self-care – we’d never get anything done – but it can permeate
most of the corners of your life,’ she says. You don’t have to make big, extensive
commitments: they can be as simple as writing a list to clear your mind. And it’s still about giving, but you give
back a little to yourself in the process. The result? A less stressful, happier Christmas. Here are Borges’s top tips...


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