
(Nora) #1
December 2019 | REDONLINE.CO.UK


ow is it? Is it good? How does the
transition from the old cast to new faces
feel?’ Tobias Menzies is asking me for
my honest opinion on the new series of
The Crown. He has taken the reins from
Matt Smith as Prince Philip in Netflix’s
hit drama about the royal family
throughout Queen Elizabeth II’s rule.
The drama has been recast – an unusual
move for a successful show – and,
naturally, Menzies is eager to discover
how it plays out to viewers.
I tell him they’ve nailed it. His first
scene, in which he is irritated by the Queen buttering her toast
loudly while he’s watching TV, is kitchen-sink drama gold. The series
opener has our new Queen, Olivia Colman, reflecting on a portrait
from the Royal Mail, while, to her left, Claire Foy is in profile as
the Queen on a series of stamps. It’s a clever segue from old to new.
I tell Menzies this and he beams. ‘It’s nice, isn’t it? It’s very graceful;
a great piece of writing,’ he says.
Even so, there are nerves. ‘There’s definitely some trepidation
about it,’ he admits, gently setting down his coffee on the small table
before us in a London hotel suite. With the previous two series of
The Crown making household names of Claire Foy and Vanessa
Kirby (Princess Margaret) and further elevating Matt Smith’s profile,
Menzies is justified in feeling anxious about the gilded baton being
passed on to the ‘new faces’. As well as the mighty Olivia Colman,
there’s the iconic Helena Bonham Carter, who plays a scene-stealing
Princess Margaret. The involvement of these
acting legends makes for quite a different starting point to that
of the original ensemble.
He was a fan of the previous two series, and was really excited to
discover he’d landed the role of the Duke of Edinburgh. ‘I was a great
admirer of the show anyway,’ he says. ‘I liked it because, for me, it
wasn’t that you had to be interested in the royal family particularly;
it was bigger than that. It was an investigation of those institutions
about leadership and what it’s like to exist inside a ceremonial
position. I really like that about the show. I was pretty pumped.’



Cast as Prince

Philip in the

new series

of The Crown,

actor Tobias

Menzies talks

to Jen Crothers

about his

latest role, his


roots and

what it’s like

to work with

Olivia Colman







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