
(Rick Simeone) #1


otorcycle Trader
occasionally gets
invites from motorcycle
distributors that include
the words, ‘and partner’.
You’re probably thinking, “That’s
nice – she usually has to stay at home
and hold the fort while he swans off
on another adventure. It’s about time
she had some fun as well”.
It’s a bit more complicated than
that. Charris can’t go because he has
four kids under 10 years of age and a
partner who is reintegrating with the
workforce. Guido can’t go because
he’s busy running another magazine.
Cam and Kaz can’t go because they’re
wrangling a new baby. Falloon can’t
go because he’s somewhere in Europe
authenticating another ‘Green frame’
Ducati. Uncle Wol can’t go because
it clashes with his numerous kids’
numerous commitments.


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