
(Barry) #1
Dolphins don’t just jump through
rings — they also use them as
traps! They make mud rings that
trick fish into swimming above
the loop instead of through it.
Unfortunately for the fish, hungry
dolphins are waiting at the top!

Nap time! Gorillas^
use various objects^
they find in the wild^
to make special
nests for sleeping.
This pup can thank its tail for its
skateboarding skills. Why? Dogs rely on
their tails when they change directions
quickly. Their tail “steers” their hind
legs to follow their front end
around tight corners!

Chances are, you and your cat don’t share
the same taste in music. Cats have different
acoustic, vocal and heartbeat ranges than
humans, so they interpret sounds differently.
What sounds like music to your ears is just a
bunch of random noises to your furry friend!

This bundled-up chick isn’t a fan of chilly
weather! In fact, chicks need it to be very
warm to be comfortable: For the first week
of their lives, the temperature in their
environment should stay around 95°F.


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