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    EphraimBrennan,VP, ConsumerMarketing,September, 30 2019

Giraffes given


protection for

the first time!

It’s hard to believe that before now,
giraffes weren’t protected from
international trade, which means
their body parts could be sold (how
terrible!). However, due population
decline over the last few years,
they’re now considered vulnerable
species by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
To help protect them, the IUCN gave
them international protection to help
increase their numbers in the wild.
“Securing protection for the giraffe
throws a vital lifeline to this majestic
species, which has been going quietly extinct for years,” says
Adam Peyman, the Humane Society International’s wildlife
programs and operations manager.

When Diablo the porcupine
was rejected by his mom
at Cotswold Wildlife Park

with her to give him a better chance at survival. That’s when the
unthinkable happened: Her Dachshund puppy, Fig, befriended the
spiky creature. The two animals quickly became best buds and
started spending all their time together. Thanks to Fig, Diablo felt
more love than he could possibly imagine and now he’s healthier than
he’s ever been. “He has settled into a good routine and has grown to
a whopping 4 pounds,” Estelle reveals. “Fig has been very gentle and
patient with Diablo, and they love being together.”
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