on several greatest all-time rock albums lists, with
praise for Lennon’s unvarnished vocals and inti-
mately personal lyrics, as in the lead track, “Mother,”
which railed against the parents who abandoned him
as a child. A year later he produced a masterwork,
Imagine, which included his timeless anthemic plea
for peace. It too marked a thaw between him and one
more ex-Beatle: George Harrison played guitar on
several tracks, though not on the love song to his new-
found domesticity, “Oh Yoko!”
Early in their marriage, when he and Ono were still
based in England, Lennon maintained a relationship
with Julian, his 6-year-old son with fi rst wife Cyn-
Exultant after his first shows with his Plastic Ono Band
three months before, Lennon and Ono (with him on the
cover of his post-Beatles debut LP, inset, and in a
conceptual “bagism” art piece onstage, top) performed at
a UNICEF benefit at the Lyceum Ballroom Dec. 15, 1969.