Xanathars Guide To Everything (DDB Rip)

(ff) #1

that person. Some tables in the other sections direct you to one or more of the supplemental
tables, and you can also use them any other time you see fit.


The usual first step in creating your character’s life story is to determine your early
circumstances. Who were your parents? Where were you born? Did you have any siblings? Who
raised you? You can address these questions by using the following tables.

So, where are you from? Uh-huh. And the people who did the procreation thing to make you —
are they still alive? Okay. Cool. You know, I actually don’t care. I’m just making small talk while
my minion sneaks up behind you. Ha! Made you look!


You had parents, of course, even if they didn’t raise you. To determine what you know about
these people, use the Parents table. If you want, you can roll separately on the table for your
mother and your father. Use the supplemental tables as desired (particularly Class, Occupation,
and Alignment) to learn more about your parents.

d100 Parents
01 – 95 You know who your parents are or were.
96 – 00 You do not know who your parents were.

Nonhuman Parents. If your character is a half-elf, a half-orc, or a tiefling, you can use one of the
tables below to determine the race of each of your parents. When you have a result, randomly
determine which part of the result refers to your father and which to your mother.

Half-Elf Parents

d8 Parents
1 – 5 One parent was an elf and the other was a human.
6 One parent was an elf and the other was a half-elf.
7 One parent was a human and the other was a half-elf.
8 Both parents were half-elves.

Half-Orc Parents

d8 Parents
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