Xanathars Guide To Everything (DDB Rip)

(ff) #1

d6 I became an entertainer because ...

2 I always had a keen insight into other people, enough so that I could make them lauwith my stories or songs. gh or cry

3 I ran away from home to follow a minstrel troupe.
4 I saw a bard perform once, and I knew from that moment on what I was born to do.
5 I earned coin by performing on street corners and eventually made a name for myself.
6 A traveling entertainer took me in and taught me the trade.

Folk Hero

d6 I became a folk hero because ...
1 I learned what was right and wrong from my family.

2 I was always enamored by tales of heroes and wished I could be something more than ordinary.

3 I hated my mundane life, so when it was time for someone to step up and do the righttook my chance. thing, I

4 A parent or one of my relatives was an adventurer, and I was inspired by that personcourage. ’s

5 A mad old hermit spoke a prophecy when I was born, saying that I would accomplish great things.

6 I have always stood up for those who are weaker than I am.

Guild Artisan

d6 I became a guild artisan because ...
1 I was apprenticed to a master who taught me the guild’s business.

2 I helped a guild artisan keep a secret or complete a task, and in return I was taken apprentice. on as an

3 One of my family members who belonged to the guild made a place for me.
4 I was always good with my hands, so I took the opportunity to learn a trade.
5 I wanted to get away from my home situation and start a new life.

6 I learned the essentials of my craft from a mentor but had to join training. the guild to finish my


d6 I became a hermit because ...
1 My enemies ruined my reputation, and I fled to the wilds to avoid further disparagement.
2 I am comfortable with being isolated, as I seek inner peace.
3 I never liked the people I called my friends, so it was easy for me to strike out on my own.
4 I felt compelled to forsake my past, but did so with great reluctance, and sometimes I regret

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